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Cover Presets

Cover Presets

To see, add, or edit cover presets, navigate to Content → [TH] Covers → Cover presets within the XenForo admin control panel (ACP).

To create a cover preset category, click on the + Add category button. You can then enter a Title and Display order. The categories will be displayed on the cover preset selector.

To create a cover preset, click on the + Add preset button and enter the necessary information.


Title The title of the cover preset will be shown on the preset listing, cover list, and on the users preset listing when they set it on the front-end of your forum.

Display order This allows you to organize the most popular covers in the list itself. The lowest number will be at the top while the highest number will be at the bottom.

Enabled This allows you to enable the cover preset, unchecking it will not disable that preset on any existing cover. It will still be available for selection on profiles, resources, and threads unless changed by an administrator of your board.

Default The content types are listed below. Selecting the cover as a default will remove the old default from the selected content types below. For those who have chosen their own custom image and/or background color this will have no effect.

If you decide not to check any of these content types, but enable them, users will be able to use them anywhere (permissions, user criteria, or user field criteria permitting).

  • Resource
  • Thread
  • User

Cover image URL Enter the URL for an image.

Background color Choose a color to have a background color.


The User criteria, User field criteria, and Remote platform criteria tabs allow you to specify which users are able to use the preset created. The Remote platform criteria comes from the platforms you have set up using XLink. If you don’t have XLink or any platforms set up, this will not be an option.

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