
Changing your Navigation Style

Your navigation style is where your navigation is located. You can edit your navigation’s location by going to Appearance > Styles > XenForo - UI.X > Style Property Groups > [UI.X] Navigation and using the Navigation Style dropdown menu.

Adjusting your Sticky Navigation

You can chose to have a sticky navigation. This allows your navigation to remain at the top of the page as you scroll down the page. You can locate this option by going to Appearance > Styles > XenForo - UI.X > Style Property Groups > [UI.X] Navigation and checking or unchecking the Sticky Navigation box according to your preference. The Sticky Navigation Height located underneath this setting allows you to customize the height the navigation bar will appear as you scroll down the page. This can be entered in pixels.

Your sub-links are located in your navigation bar. You can remove these sub-links and have them appear as drop down menus. Navigate to Appearance > Styles > XenForo - UI.X > Style Property Groups > [UI.X] Navigation and check remove selected tab sub-links. If you'd like to keep your sub-links, you can edit the height of the sub-links in Selected Tab Sub-Links Height and it's sticky height in Selected Tab Sub-Links Sticky Height in pixels. If you'd like to remove the sublinks as a sticky feature, check the Remove Selected Tab Sub-Links Sticky under the previous options.

Adjusting your Visitor Tab's Appearance

Your visitor tabs can either be located in the navigation or in the user bar.

To chose this location, navigate to Appearance > Styles > XenForo - UI.X > Style Property Groups > [UI.X] Navigation and check the Visitor Tabs to User Bar according to your preferences. You can chose to condense the visitor tabs in the box below. This will remove all of your visitor tabs except the account tab. By default, the account avatar is shown. You can uncheck Show Account Avatar and the avatar will instead be shown as a default icon.

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